butterflies land on her…


An acquaintance once called my work “emotional jewelry” – he probably doesn’t even remember saying these words but they wander in and out of my consciousness as I work. When he said it I wondered if he meant that I put a great deal of emotion into my pieces but I have since decided otherwise. I now believe that he meant that particular pieces speak to buyers on some emotional level.

I regularly receive wonderful stories from customers that explain why they chose a particular piece for themselves or for a loved one. Their stories are stirring. Two weeks ago I received an email that explained the purchase of the above necklace. A tragic but beautiful story – it is hers to share and not mine. I can only say that butterflies land on her…they are little messengers of love. Amazing…

I am a sole proprietorship but I am not lonely. Each customer becomes a part of my journey and as I move along I find that my path is more joyful because of their gifts…their stories. Our paths cross for only a short time but these transactions of words become a permanent part of me – of For Giving Works. I am thankful and as I conclude this post I find myself wondering what wonderful stories are yet to come my way. I can’t wait to know…

Published in: Uncategorized on April 23, 2013 at 3:12 pm  Leave a Comment  