I spoke at a funeral…..

As we begin a new year the first week of it has been spent in reflection. 2012 was a good year and I have been asking myself why? It was a year full of wonderful stories, simple triumphs and even some road hazards. For me, there were three significant “happenings” that I share with you now in hopes that you will reflect and find plenty of good things in your past year as well.

I must first remind you that I graduated from “the school of happiness” on 8/13/12 when I wrote the blog “and she lived happily ever after”. This mental diploma was enough to carry me along for a bit but I soon hit some more bumps in the road and the mental diploma seemed lost. I just needed to do some more work – I needed a “masters degree”. That’s what I am working on at present and I will get it…yes, I will get it. This is my mantra.

We lost another lovely family member this year. Our patriarch. Our Uncle Don. Our example of how to live a life in service to others. I chose to speak at his funeral. If you know me, you have already gasped in disbelief for this is way beyond the limits of my comfort zone. Only three other members of the family knew that I was going to attempt to do this for there was good reason to believe that I could not. I sat on the first row alongside my daughter, son and husband and when the time came for me to speak I stood up. There was an audible gasp by my side as my daughter saw me ascend to the pulpit. I turned and faced a room of family and friends – and the words began to flow.

I also had the opportunity to make 4 necklaces for 4 hearts. Our community lost a generous, gracious, leader, father and friend this past year. He had battled illness for so many years and each year that he lived was a gift to all. He bought one of these cross necklaces for his wife and soon called me to make 4 more – for his sisters and his daughter. As I made them I worried and wondered if they might be the last gifts that he presented to his loved ones and I believe they were for soon after he was gone. It was a privilege to be asked to do this and I have tears welling up in my eyes as I type this. They were made with love for those he loved….

These are but a few of my special moments of 2012. My wish is that each of you experiences triumphs both large and small, abundant joy and even some challenges to stretch you. We are but one week into 2013 and today the simple joy of seeing a bright red cardinal on this bleak winter day is enough. With love to all, Lettie

Published in: Uncategorized on January 6, 2013 at 1:55 pm  Comments (4)